Feedback from Hoary install

Simon Turvey turveysp at
Thu Feb 24 03:35:28 CST 2005

John Richard Moser wrote:

>>Went to install Hoary on my laptop this morning.  Interesting
>>experience.  Largely OK given non-standard install to external USB2 HDD.
>>   Partitioning all went OK but installer definitely did not warn me
>>before it stomped my Win2K MBR on the internal drive with GRUB.  Was not
>>pleased.  Installer went for first reboot and GRUB came up and promptly
>>went belly-up with error code 21 - whatever that is.
> Grub probably can't read from the USB device!  :)

That seems evident :)  It's odd.  The BIOS supports booting from USB 
devices; I've managed to boot from a USB DVD rewriter and a USB floppy 
drive.  I'm not sure why a USB HDD would be any different.

> As for stomping the Win2k mbr, normally you point grub at the partition
> win2k is on, or at the first VFAT partition (housing boot.ini), and
> chainloader+1 it.  This brings up the W2k boot menu.  Of course with
> grub not able to access its stage 1.5. . . .

Would it be possible to direct grub to put everything on the USB HDD - 
the bios appears to go for the USB device first if it finds one.

All the best,


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