Good Fix to Sound Server Problem (was Re: Sound Server vs. OtherSolutions?)

nanaban dlist at
Tue Feb 15 01:37:04 CST 2005

thully at Wrote: 
> I also switched from libesd0 to libesd-alsa0 (I'm not sure,
> but
> it seems that this works better w/ this change - anyway, this should be
> used
> as Ubuntu uses ALSA, not OSS).

I installed liesd-alsa0 (which removed libesd0), but the sound at
startup (splash) was crap and my computer crashed immediately (before
all the menu items were load).

I tried to switch back (install libesd0), but my computer still

-P-L-E-A-S-E- -H-E-L-P-!-


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