wxPython 2.6 in Ubuntu?

Matthias Klose m at klose.in-berlin.de
Thu Feb 10 14:25:26 CST 2005

Hi Robin,

please could you give an update for the state of 2.5.4/2.6? There are
currently some applications not yet ported to 2.5.x, the current
packaging doesn't allow parallel installation of the 2.4 and 2.5
wxpython stuff. That makes the current mix of 2.4/2.5 applications

Thanks, Matthias

On Do, 2004-11-11 at 10:07 -0800, Robin Dunn wrote:
> Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 08:55 +0200, Peter Damoc wrote:
> > 
> [...]
> > 
> >>Someone from Canonical should get in touch with Robin Dunn (head of
> >>wxpython devel) and ask him... He is one of the greatest project
> >>managers I've seen and he is already considering installing Ubuntu (he
> >>already might have done it)
> > 
> > 
> > Okay then... Hi Robin! :-)
> > 
> > Peter suggested I ask you about the timeline for wxPython 2.6, and
> > whether it will be released in time for inclusion in the next release of
> > Ubuntu, the Hoary Hedgehog. We're freezing the versions of software we
> > plan to include at the end of December, shipping our Preview release in
> > March, and our Final in April [1]. How do your plans for wxPython fit in
> > with that?
> Hi Jeff,
> We don't have a set schedule but I think that it's doubtful that we'll 
> have the 2.6 release ready by your version freeze, but it's possible 
> that 2.5.4 will be ready by then.  The current plan is that 2.5.4 will 
> be the last 2.5 release before 2.6 and it will mainly be for ironing out 
> the last few bugs and that no new features will be added between then 
> and 2.6.  (So you could think of 2.5.4 as 2.5.99 or a 2.6.preview or 
> whatever <wink>)
> The 2.6 release should happen in "early 2005."  I don't know if your 
> policies allow for slipping in some things after the version freeze, if 
> so then this might be a good candidate.  If not then I would go with 
> whatever is the latest 2.5.x when you do your freeze as it will be lots 
> better than 2.4.2, especially for the gtk+ 2.x port.
> BTW, just as a comparative datapoint, I noticed the other day that the 
> Yast RPM repositories for SuSE 9.2 have both wxGTK and wxPython RPMs 
> based on my wxPythonSrc- tarball, and Mandrake Official 10.1 has 
> wxPython on the CDs, so there are some good precedents for 
> shipping with a 2.5.x release.
> -- 
> Robin Dunn
> Software Craftsman
> http://wxPython.org  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!

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