apt irritating behaviour (fam and gamin)

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 3 05:57:26 CST 2005

<quote who="Sridhar Ratna">

> I had 'fam' installed.  I then installed gamin and gamin-dev, which
> eventually replaced fam.  But when I tried 'apt-get remove'ing gamin, it
> asked to remove about 115 packages including gnome apps ....
> Even if when I tried to 'apt-get install fam' .. it asked to remove huge
> amount of packages including gamin.
> I do not expect that behaviour.  If I installed a package (gamin) ..  and
> immediately decided to uninstall it .. only that package must be removed.

It's not an apt problem, it's a problem with the definition of the package
(fam, in this case). Your apps *do* depend on libgamin0, so what it is
telling you is correct. To go back to using fam (which you shouldn't really
want to do anyway): apt-get install fam gamin- libgamin0-

- Jeff

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