Language support packages suggestion

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Feb 1 18:06:57 CST 2005


Logiotatidis Giorgos [2005-02-02  1:50 +0200]:
> Hello,
>         I installed the greek language support pack and noticed that I
> also get
> mozilla installed (I assume because mozilla-locale-el depends on
> mozilla). 

That's indeed the case. However, I recently removed all
mozilla-locale-* dependencies from the language-support package
anyway, so this should be fixed with the most recent Hoary packages.

For the record, I already changed the dependencies of
mozilla-*-locale-* to depend to either mozilla-* or the
language-support package, so that merely installing the support
package would not install mozilla proper. But I did not do this with
mozilla-locale-el since the current version 1.7.3 is incompatible to
our Mozilla 1.7.5 anyway.

Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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