separate /home by default

John Richard Moser nigelenki at
Tue Feb 1 17:25:47 CST 2005

Hash: SHA1

thephotoman wrote:
> Well, I wouldn't call them "idiots", I'd just call them "people who
> don't know that there's a way to keep your data even if you have to
> re-install your operating system without doing backups every five minutes".
> Not that using /home as a separate partition gets you out of having to
> back up your personal data...the /home partition can break too.  It's
> just that you have more options when it's just your data/programs.

Yeah that's true.  I was more referring to people who have done it more
than once though, and still swear by it.  People who use a 100M /boot
separate from / are paranoid about some kind of bootloader issue or / FS
corruption; people who repetedly put everything on / just to need 200
CDs every once in a while to back up and reinstall are just dumb, IMHO.

I think it's best to give people "what's best for" them by default, but
to give them an easy option to change it themselves; if they break it
(by making 200 gigs of / and then having their old-ass CD-Rs burn right
but not read afterwards), they can keep both pieces.

Anyway, this thread is just going in circles.  Somebody's said no, some
people have complained about my semantics and derogatory comments, and
some just repete the same points over and over.  Enough noise.  :)

> Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski wrote:
>> On wto, 2005-02-01 at 02:16 -0500, John Richard Moser wrote:
>>> Shouldn't /home be separate from / by default?
>>  I think it's up to users. I split my disk even more, when others with
>> small disks (yes, there's a plenty of users with 3Gb and less) will
>> prefer to have one, big / to avoid problems with lack of space for, let
>> say apt-get cache.
>>> I've seen too many idiots
>>  Just because they do something in a different (even if it's less
>> secure, or whatever) way, don't mean they are idiots.
>>  I'd like to remind you about Code Of Conduct. :-)

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