Fluendo MP3 GStreamer Plugin in Main for Dapper?

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 30 05:52:48 GMT 2005

<quote who="Evandro Fernandes Giovanini">

> Em Sex, 2005-12-30 às 04:43 +0100, John Nilsson escreveu:
> > One thing I don't get, if I install this gstreamer0.8-fluendo-mp3(?)
> > package will it then be illegal for me to have rhythmnbox installed?
> You would be in violation of the GPL (if rhythmbox is linked against
> gstreamer; it can alternatively use xine, in that case there's no
> problem). If the Fluendo plugin is installed anyone using any GPL licensed
> software that links against gstreamer is in violation of the GPL. 

Not quite, because when you're using it on your desktop at home, you're not
distributing it.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
    "I can't imagine anyone telling Emma Bunton to shut up. It would be
                        rather like slapping Bambi."

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