NexentaOS GUI configuration tools fully ported

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Thu Dec 29 13:28:51 GMT 2005

On 12/29/05, Dennis Kaarsemaker <dennis at> wrote:

> I would also appreciate patches that fix gnome-system-tools very much,
> but a one-line mention of having fixed things (without the actual
> patches, which by the way I can't find anywhere) in a mail full of
> ubuntu-unrelated nexenta spam is useless.

I wouldn't really consider it as spam; sure its probably noise to some
but definitely is not spam =) I only subscribe to NBTS on the Nexenta
side so knowing what's happening is over to the other side is

Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at | jgotangco at
Mobile: +639196555242
GPG: 0xA97B69A0

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