Testing the dist-upgrade process (for Dapper)

Sivan Green sivan at piware.de
Thu Dec 22 13:55:16 GMT 2005

On 22:28, Thu 22 Dec 05, Robert Collins wrote:
> Anything we can do to automate this should be considered heavily. Manual
> tests are valuable where there are 'soft' characteristics that cannot be
> machine tested, but they are among the most expensive tests to execute,
> both in terms of getting quality (heh) test runs, and in terms of being
> able to run them at a reasonable frequency as things change.

I agree completely. The upgrade path one I think is an ideal
candidate for automation, as my writing there suggest: I've
already followed a "pseudo algorythm" approach, which I
believe shouldn't be hard to implement using VMs and a VM
software (Xen, VMWare ?) that support scripting for
reverting snapshots and basically go over all the upgrade
test matrix.


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