An MTA should be installed by ubuntu (was [ubuntu-users] Re: Ubuntu is under attack)

Tim Frost timfrost at
Tue Dec 20 07:27:27 GMT 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 16:07 +0900, Jan Moren wrote:
> tis 2005-12-20 klockan 19:54 +1300 skrev Tim Frost:
> > 
> > Is Matthew saying:
> > 1:  That cron should depend on mail-transport-agent (since it explicitly
> > tries to invoke /usr/sbin/sendmail)
> > 
> > OR 
> > 
> > 2: That cron should NOT be installed in ubuntu/kubuntu
> Or 3: cron should be using the log facility to write any messages. That
> way it behaves just like most other periodic functions in the system,
> and you don't need an MTA just for cron anymore.
Cron does have a log file, which shows the start and end time for each
task that it runs.

However, no version of cron that I have worked with will send
stdout/stderr anywhere other than a mail message.

Is this a feature request that we should be feeding to the authors of

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