Dapper2 FT2, boot problems

Luke Yelavich themuso at themuso.com
Sun Dec 18 23:59:31 GMT 2005

On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 04:19:42AM EST, Magnus Therning wrote:
> Downloaded Dapper FT2 and put it on a CD yesterday. Installed it today,
> non-expert mode, without any problems. Chose to use two partitions on my
> SATA disk (only have one disk in the computer):
>  /dev/sda7 -> /boot
>  /dev/sda8 -> /
> Booting works fine until the kernel is loaded. Then I get the message
> that /dev/sda8 couldn't be found and I'm dropped into a BusyBox.

I get similar behavior on my P4, with 3 hard drives, two connected to a 
PCI IDE card, and one to the on-board card.

I think the problem for me at least, is that the installer loads the IDE 
modules a different order to what gets loaded in the initramfs. My 
on-board IDE uses piix, and my PCI card uses siimage. The piix module is 
loaded before siimage in the installer, so my data drive which is on the 
piix controller is hda. Then my OS drives which are on the siimage 
controller are detected next. However, when the kernel and initramfs 
loads, the siimage module is the only one loaded because that is where 
the OS is, but in doing so, the wrong device nodes are created, as there 
has been no other IDE module loaded before it.

Perhaps your problem could be on a similar line, although none of my 
drives are sd devices.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at themuso.com
ICQ: 18444344
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