ServerLand, centralized server management, enterprise style

Matthew Palmer mpalmer at
Thu Dec 15 13:06:38 GMT 2005

On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 11:40:12PM -0800, Alex Polvi wrote:
> So, I have a solution, and it is here:
> Anyone else think this is much of a need?  I know I would run it in a
> heatbeat if it exsited in an open form. Do you think others would too?

I'd certainly give it a good shot.  Extend it further than just servers,
though -- desktops also need remote management love.

> What other considerations am I forgetting?

Probably hundreds, but I'm sure those will make themselves apparent at the
appropriate time.  <grin>

I've got a small chunk of the puzzle available -- an asset tracking system
called IRM.  It's in dire need of some general TLC, and modifications to
tie into external systems, but it's something concrete we can scorn, if
nothing else...

- Matt
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