Compressing packages with bzip2 instead gzip?

Aigars Mahinovs aigarius at
Wed Dec 7 19:46:03 GMT 2005

On 12/7/05, Mikael Eriksson <mikael.miffe.eriksson at> wrote:
> I wrote some benchmarking script, please see the attached file.
> If we recompress all packages from breezy main i386 beginning with a with
> 7zip we save 8MB on filesize. But some files are smallest as tar.gz.

8 Mb out of 44 Mb, which makes 17.8 % less, at the same time
de(?)compression time seams to have increased 2.36 times. The
compression is there, but is the time increase worth it?

Could also do the benchmark with lzop - compressor optimised for
speed. Also, could you pick another letter - "a" looks to be quite
poisoned by aspell-* packages that are mostly text.

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigarius at
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