Dapper status meeting followup

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 6 05:19:54 GMT 2005

On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 10:12:47AM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:

> Before publishing a daily build, we take a hardlinked copy of the
> previous daily build, and then partially overwrite it (being careful to
> break hardlinks where necessary) with whatever architectures got built
> this time round. (As usual, you use ARCHES='foo bar baz' in the
> environment to limit what architectures get built; that part hasn't
> changed, it was purely a publishing tweak.)
> It does mean that (a) removing an architecture from a build type
> requires manual action to go in and remove the images from the
> publishing tree, but that's a pretty rare event; (b) we'll have to keep
> half an eye on timestamps to make sure images are really building as
> opposed to just being carried over from the last time round (I may be
> able to detect that automatically if it becomes a problem, though).

Sounds good.  For (b), how about writing a log into the output directory if
an architecture build fails, similar to what we do for oversized images to
make them obvious?  e.g., dapper-install-i386.iso.FAILED.log

> > What's the RT ticket for the cdimage changes for Jonathan?
> [rt.admin.canonical.com #967]. I had misunderstood our IRC conversation
> and had been under the impression that you would file the request, so I
> only did so this morning after reading this question.


 - mdz

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