user based dialup.

Carl Karsten carl at
Tue Aug 30 21:41:06 CDT 2005

azz wrote:

 > pppconfig is flawless.
 > Just add the user to the dip group and do not forget to save.
 > Pon and poff get your user on or off the net.  Worked great in Warty
 > with a configurable modem applet.

Is this really the best Ubuntu has to offer?  a CLI?

"I" can wrap a gui around pon/off, but this just seems so inconsistent with the 
rest of the distro.

 > For now, you can install Gnome-ppp from universe and *that* let's any
 > ole user connect to the net.  It even gives you a nice icon when you
 > are connected.  It just does not integrate with the gnome-networking
 > app.

OK, given the lack of response, I'll give that a shot.  (thanks for your reply btw.)

Carl K

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