Dial-Up Support for Ubuntu - needs volunteers

azz dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Mon Aug 29 20:27:49 CDT 2005

Would it be possible to include either the sl-modem-daemon and
sl-modem-modules (precompiled) on the installation cd?

There is no way that a user is able to download the sl-modem-source and
sl-modem-deamon packages from the net to be able to get their modem

This driver covers a surprising number of software modems because it
uses the AC97 codec.

As far as licencing, the version of the driver than is in multiverse is
shippable, AFAIK.  Similar to the LTmodem drivers in

ScanModem would be a nice utility to include, too, although it is
completely user unfriendly.



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