planet gnome comment

Manu Cornet Manu.Cornet at
Mon Aug 29 18:10:05 CDT 2005

Hi !

> 2. Provide them with a GUI which looks and behaves like usability
> studies and such say it should.

But what are these usability studies based on ? If the purpose is to 
make Nautilus easy and intuitive for newbies, then souldn't the question 
be asked to newbies ? Problem is, newbies often come from Windows... Are 
people making complicated usability studies for several months really 
able to foresee what a newbie (in a few seconds) will find easy to use, 
and easy to understand ?

As to feed the troll, I have never touched Windows more than 15 minutes, 
and I still really can't understand why spatial mode is convenient (at 
first I thought it was the name for a great new exploring way -- really 
disappointed when I saw what it was).


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