Vincenzo Di Massa
hawk78_it at
Thu Aug 25 12:05:03 CDT 2005
I have just put on pipy the first version of easy-deb: a tool to make source debs out of standard python modules.
I attach the same docs:
* Packages python modules
* from source distribution files
* from urls
* from PyPI records
* can package it self
* handles dependencies
* intstalls modules into eggs (from setuptools)
* can activate or deactivate an installed egg (add or remove from sys.path)
* handles a database of dependencies
=easy_deb instructions=
$ easy-deb -h
for usage and options synopsis:
usage: easy-deb [options] (pypi-modulename | archive-file-name| url)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v VERSIONS, --python-versions=VERSIONS
Coma separated list of python versions to package for.
E.g.: -v 2.3,2.4
-d DEPS, --debian-deps=DEPS
Standard debian dependency string. %v is replaced with
python version
-b BDEPS, --debian-build-deps=BDEPS
Standard debian dependency string. %v is replaced with
python version
-f FIND_LINKS, --find-links=FIND_LINKS
Additionnal links to scan
-D DEST_DIR, --dest-dir=DEST_DIR
Distribution downloaded into file
-c, --common-dir Install to commond dir from where tree linking is done
-a, --arch-dep Build arch dep packages
-u, --update-database
Update the database of python modules options
$ update-pypi -h
for usage and options synopsis:
usage: update-pypi [options] (module-name | show | updatew)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --add Add egg to sys.path
-r, --remove Add egg to sys.path
easy-deb: this tool will create a debian source package into a deb-pkg-<modulename> directory.
To compile the source package use the standard debian tools (debuild or "fakeroot debian/rules binary")
update-pypi: this script is used to enable and disable installed egg (you can enable/disable all eggs
ing the removing the All package). Enabled eggs are on sys.path, disabled eggs must be pkg_resource.require() before you can import from them.
To install module "graph":
$ easy-deb -v2.4 graph -D /tmp/
$ cd /tmp/deb-pkg-graph0.4/graph-0.4
$ fakeroot debian/rules binary
$ sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb
$ update-pypi -a graph
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