UbuntuExpress status: update

Juan Jesús Ojeda Croissier juanje at interactors.coop
Wed Aug 24 20:41:01 CDT 2005

El mié, 24-08-2005 a las 21:13 +0000, Alexandre Strube escribió:
> There it goes
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:32 INFO     Step_before = 0
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:32 INFO     Step_after = 1
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:37 INFO     Step_before = 1
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:37 INFO     gparted_loop()
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:37 INFO     Step_after = 3
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:44 INFO     Step_before = 3
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:44 INFO     progress_loop()
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:44 ERROR    Missed attrib to write to /tmp/vars
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:44 INFO     You wasted 24.77 seconds with this
> installation
> Qua, 24 Ago 2005 20:44:44 ERROR    Vars file no found

ummm... pretty interesting....
Thanks ;-)

I've already fixed the bug you found, but this show me more stuff
BTW, there was also another problem in your test. You needed our patched
Gparted and it seems you hadn't. That's why the partition's step show
you up in blank.
And there are also others problems with this step. If the installer
doesn't run the partman-auto (like now) or the Gparted doesn't give us
the proper output (as right now. That job is being worked by other
people), the installer can't give to the others steps the proper
values :-/

So, basically it's pretty hard to test by now. There are always a tricky
ways as having previously a partitioned system with a scheme and putting
this scheme[1] into the code(there is already a example scheme),
bypassing the Gparted call (being commented).
Anyway, I've set as insensitive the Next button of the partition's step
until the Gparted return a correct values.

Oh, and I already moved out the Canonical link from the Step 0 and fixed
some minor bugs.

Thanks again for your help. If you don't mind I'll CC the email to the
list in case someone is doing also testings and this help him.


[1] For example:
self.mountpoints = {'/' : '/dev/hda1', 'swap' : '/dev/hda2'}

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