UbuntuExpress status: update

Juan Jesús Ojeda Croissier juanje at interactors.coop
Wed Aug 24 14:37:02 CDT 2005

Hi Alexandre, thanks for your comments. They help us a lot ;-)

El mié, 24-08-2005 a las 13:23 -0300, Alexandre Strube escribió:
> I just tested it on breezy live from August 19,2005 (the last one for
> i386 at cdimage.ubuntu.com)
> It installs fine, no more dependency troubles.
> However, I noticed some things:
> 1: I booted using pt_BR as my language, but it appeared in english. The
> messages file changed so much that last week's pt_BR cannot be used
> anymore? If that's the case, I can translate it again.

We've changed some stuff with the locale and branding, so maybe we
missed something with your files... I'll check it out.

> 2) At top of the screen, there are installation's five steps. There is a
> thin square on each of those steps.

Yeah, I know... that's a bit ugly, we try to improve this title, but
it's quite hard mess with a poor labels... Maybe sombody know how to do

> 3) At step 0, the ubuntu logo appears with a yellow square, when the
> screen background is white.
> 4) At screen 0, the "quick guide" is the one for guadalinex. As far as I
> recall, the quick guide for ubuntu is in your SVN repo also.

Seems to be the same problem that the one before with your locales. I'll
check it out as well.

> 5) At screen 0 and quick guide, there is a (C) 2005 Canonical Ltd. This
> seems like a link, but it does nothing. Therefore, it should not be a
> link.

Ops... we forgot it. We'll change it. 

> 6) At screen 1 (identification), you have to manually put the focus at
> that "Forward" button, when an enter would be acceptable.

That's one of the parts we need finish now. Checking the values, the
focus and so on.

> 7) At screen 1, the password icon has a white background, and it was
> resized to have the same size the other icons. An icon which would look
> like /usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/dialogs/gaim_auth.png (without that gaim
> logo) could be better.
> 8) the password field accepts the shortest passwords. Wouldn't be better
> it it could accept only passwords bigger than X?

We thought about it and we're keeping it in mind but it's is the next
Thanks for remind us anyway  ;-)

> 9) The first screen has the top ubuntu logo background going up to the
> right side of the screen. At screen 1, it stays at half of the screen,
> when the right side has the label "Identify yourself and your computer!"
> 10) Same for screen 2, "Make some space for the new system!"

is that bad?

> 11) At screen 2, it is blank, but for the Forward and Cancel down there.
> Wouldnt be good if instead of a "cancel", which exits silently, have a
> "back" button there, to review user/password?

yeah, could be... we'll change it. But, "instead of"? you're meaning,
"in addition", aren't you? Both, "Cancel" (or "Exit" or whatever) and

> 12) At screen 2, when you click "Forward", the installer exits, and the
> following python exception is shown at console:
> root at ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/Desktop # installer
> plugin_get_value 1
> plugin_get_value 2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ue/frontend/gtkui.py", line 
> 266, in on_next_clicked
>     self.progress_loop()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ue/frontend/gtkui.py", line 
> 151, in progress_loop
>     ex(path + 'format.py')
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ue/misc.py", line 53, in ex
>     status = subprocess.call(args)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/subprocess.py", line 428, in call
>     return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/subprocess.py", line 558, in __init__
>     errread, errwrite)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/subprocess.py", line 991, in _execute_child
>     raise child_exception
> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> root at ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/Desktop #
> Hope this helps.

Yeah, this hope us a lot. Thanks ;-)

BTW, there is also a log file placed in /var/log/installer
Maybe it's not very verbose or helpfully but it could say something


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