Breezy Badger milestone release "Colony 3" now available

MadMan2k madman2k at
Thu Aug 18 16:12:12 CDT 2005

>> Then, I changed my vga kernel setting to 791, and I just was given a 
>> black
>> screen until X started.  Hmm, what's the deal there?
> Only one VGA mode is supported, the one used by default.
hmm, that sucks - but what sucks more is that you run into this
problem even if you dont mess around with usplash...

another bug I noticed is that the installer now autmatically tries to
check for apt-updates(or something), which hangs my machine up.

I have some weird DSL-Modem which is accessed via ethernet, so it might
seem to be a router, but it still requires a configuration via pppoeconf...


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