Breezy Badger milestone release "Colony 3" now available

Jeffrey W. Baker jwbaker at
Thu Aug 18 12:09:51 CDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 15:56 +0100, Martin Alderson wrote:
> On 8/18/05, Martin Alderson <martinalderson at> wrote:
> > 
> > I had the same problem upgrading Hoary --> Breezy via apt-get. I
> > didn't investigate further and used VMWare's snapshot feature to roll
> > back and I'm sticking on Hoary for a while longer until this is fixed.
> > 
> Ok, curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded the image and
> installed onto a fresh virtual machine.
> Install went fine - however, as soon as I rebooted, I get the
> /dev/sda2 does not exist message. It then dropped me to a shell.. and
> then the kernel panicked.
> I think there could be a major bug in Breezy, because I never had a
> problem like this on Warty or Hoary.

FWIW, I have exactly the same problem.  I was tracking Breezy, but it
was necessary to revert to Hoary a week ago when this started.  I
believe the culprit is the new LVM procedure in the initrd/initramfs,
and the way it interacts with LILO.

I investigated the problem from within busybox, and what happens is the
scripts are trying to mount the root volume using the rdev number as the
name.  So, in my case, where I have a disk that would normally be sda4
(block device 8,4) the init was panicking if it couldn't find /dev/804
or an LV named "804".  Strangely, the kernel command line
(/proc/cmdline) included "root=804" regardless of the fact that the real
command line was root=/dev/sda4.

After removing LILO and installing GRUB this problem stopped.  So
perhaps there is a hidden dependency in Breezy which requires GRUB.


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