particular Toshiba Laptop model Support

Paul Sladen ubuntu at
Tue Aug 9 09:05:03 CDT 2005

On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Ghe Rivero wrote:
> I already have one for testing and installing hoary on it is totally
> painful. The network card is not detected, the boot process frozen on
> hotplug init...

Perhaps it would be useful if you could say what the make/model of the
machine is?  What features does the laptop come with (wifi, etc).

> 	I know breezy is really near and i would like to have full support for
> this machine (and all similar by extension) working out of the box.

Ideally this would be case.  Could you describe exactly how far you have
gotten and file bugs about the point where ''the boot process is frozen'':

Hopefully we can get this sorted, but Bugzilla is the best place to start to
make sure that happens!

The summer is normal here.  London, GB

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