[Suggestion] Ctrl+<TAB> to cycle through Gnome Terminal Tabs

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 09:09:46 CDT 2005

Hi All,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask/suggest this but since some
Gnome developers hang around here, here goes...

Is it possible to add the ability to use Ctrl+<TAB> to cycle through
Gnome Terminal Tabs. Many other apps do do this and the fact that the
Gnome Terminal does it differently is inconsistent with the way many
other apps work. For example:

* I open firefox and open 3 tabs, I can use Ctrl+<TAB> to switch
between the tabs
* I open gaim and open 3 chat tabs, I can use Ctrl+<TAB> to switch
between the tabs/conversations


* I open a gnome terminal and open 3 tabs, then I have to use Alt+1 to
get to tab 1, Alt+2 to get to tab 2 and Alt+3 to get to tab 3. Not
that this is "bad" it is just different then other apps.

I think it would be nice to be able to just use Ctrl+<TAB> to cycle
through the tabs like I can with firefox and gaim. I am not
necessarily suggesting to replace the current functionality, just to
add this additional functionality.

What do you think?



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