XXI century and still using 386 packages...

Molot dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Thu Apr 14 12:33:00 CDT 2005

Idea is to make loop like below:

1) download source package from repository (we have about 10GB of
workspace on each compiling comp)
2) build the package with optimizations to a binary package (apt-build
or sth like that)
3) send it to our repository (now we have about 40GB for repository)
4) clear workspace - delete all files that are unneeded now

Each computer will compile packages from one group. When it will be
finished, we make it work on next group.

It is basic idea about "how".

Where we will put our repository? Dunno now. We have space for it, and
mashine, but we don't want it to work on 64kbps line (that's what we
can get for free now)... So we are looking for free internet connection
for it. I hope if.pw.edu.pl will agree (about 1 or 2Gbps), but we need
to talk to people there... So, basicaly, don't know where will be the
public accespoint to it.

Any more info needed?

PS: It will be in Poland ;)


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