modem dial-up

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Tue Apr 12 16:59:52 CDT 2005

On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 12:19:50PM -0500, eduardo osorio armenta wrote:
> Please redirectme to information about
> the configuration of dial-uip pppd,  thru serial modem

Thanks for your bugreport. 
> It was working okey with WARTY,
> but  HOARY  allways disconnect  after 4 to 20 minutes
> the navigation it's extremely slow ( in WARTY was not, even it was dial-up).

Could you please have a look at bug #8890
( and follow up
there (this list is about the development of ubuntu, not about bugs)?
> i just enable debug option for the pppd session modem,
> but nothing so understandable.
> i just figure aout that trying
> apt-get update
> always break the connection
> some help?

Julien Olivier already pointed to

I would love to hear about the issue (please follow up there),
especially if you use a serial modem and not a usb modem.


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