XXI century and still using 386 packages...

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Fri Apr 8 07:56:03 CDT 2005

goofrider wrote:
> Alberto Núñez Wrote: 
>>I suppose I'm not the first that comment this... 
>>We are in 2005, with new technologies and amazingly fast systems...
>>and we are using prehistoric system aimed packages. How many people
>>does use a 386 desktop computer? How many people use a 486 desktop
>>computer? Even Pentiums, nobody surf internet today with a pentium
>>(well, someone...)
> The reality is that the instruction set of the 686 family is virtually
> identical to good old 386, with minor additions like a few extra
> Xen.... I guess these should be enough reasons to keep 386 as the least
> common denominator.

I agree.

I have no problem taking the performance hit so that some school kid in 
a 3rd world country can run the same software.

I am not even sure the hit is noticeable.  I have a gentoo box that I 
tuned for running mplayer.  I'll run the ubuntu live CD and see if it 
makes much diference (tried, bad CD... more on this later)

Carl Karsten

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