Spatial mess prevention

Poyayan dlist at
Tue Apr 5 23:01:31 CDT 2005

A problem:
Double click on a file in a window and a program that opens the file
appears, folder window remains. Now double click with the middle mouse
and the file is opened but the folder window is closed... Try opening a
.txt file (should use gedit by default) and you can easily see what I'm
talking about.

There might be many problems like this but I don't know.  This does
seem like a cool idea but like many other people believe that the
timing is terrible.  There was supposed to be a feature freeze after
the RC release and I believe this is a feature.  Documentation needs to
be updated, the functionality of this patch needs to be tested to find
mistakes (like the one listed above), and time should be taken to view
user opinions and how to improve the idea and implementation further. 
This is a major change to a behavior that affects everyone using Ubuntu
and should be done with the utmost care and completeness, and being
thought-out as much as possible.  Time is needed and time is something
that no longer exists for new features in Hoary.


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