Instalation Report of hoart-rc
Myles Green
rmg57 at
Tue Apr 5 15:08:13 CDT 2005
On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 20:12:29 +0200
Xan <DXpublica at> wrote:
> Dimarts 05 Abril 2005 16:31, en/na Myles Green (<Myles Green
> <rmg57 at>>) va escriure:
> > Xan,
> >
> > If you check your cable visually and you can see that there is no
> > slack in it, then you should either move the drive to a closer
> > drive-bay
> why?
> it's the same in what drive-bay I connect my cable, isn't?
I don't know, is it? I have some drives in 3.5" drive bays below the
floppy drive bay and some drives mounted via adapters in 5.25" bays
(usually for cdroms etc). The drives mounted in the upper 5.25" bays
required 24" cables to fit properly.
> > or
> > get a longer cable.
> why?
see answer above
> > You should _never_ leave any cable with tension on
> > it as you're only asking for problems then.
> Yes. It's obvious!!!: crashed pc and an electrocuted man ;-)
> > That's just my opinion though...
> Please, tell me things to test. I see my cable and seems to be right!.
> I don't know the causes of this error of my hd.
Well, it *is* possible that you have developed some bad sectors on your
drive between this installation and the previous one. One way to
determine if that is the case is to use the diagnostic software provided
by your HDD manufacturer. This should be available as a floppy drive
image from the support section of their website, download it and copy it
to a floppy drive:
dd if=diagnostic.img of=/dev/fd0
You will need a DOS boot disk as well, boot from the DOS floppy and then
run the diagnostic software.
Another way you might be able to do this is to try "The Ultimate Boot
CD" available here: which has a
bootable DOS image as well as the diagnostic images from most of the
major HDD manufacturers. It has _way_ more than just that on it and I
recommend it to anyone who services computers.
Good luck with your troubleshooting,
Myles Green <rmg57 at telus dot net> Calgary AB Canada
Ubuntu Linux 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog"
GnuPG public key (9D02F338)
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