Instalation Report of hoart-rc
DXpublica at
Tue Apr 5 13:12:29 CDT 2005
Dimarts 05 Abril 2005 16:31, en/na Myles Green (<Myles Green
<rmg57 at>>) va escriure:
>>Re: Instalation Report of hoart-rc
> On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 11:15:39 +0200
> Xan <DXpublica at> wrote:
> > I will see that: I check all my cables....
> > Is there a objective way for knowing is cable is not secure? That is,
> > I check my cable visually, but perhaps cable is tight, so it unsecures
> > itself. How can I know it via software?
> Xan,
> If you check your cable visually and you can see that there is no slack
> in it, then you should either move the drive to a closer drive-bay
it's the same in what drive-bay I connect my cable, isn't?
> or
> get a longer cable.
> You should _never_ leave any cable with tension on
> it as you're only asking for problems then.
Yes. It's obvious!!!: crashed pc and an electrocuted man ;-)
> That's just my opinion though...
Please, tell me things to test. I see my cable and seems to be right!.
I don't know the causes of this error of my hd.
We could do a test:
- With array-6 there was no error for me.
- So if we see the differences between array-6 and rc respecting packages that
has relation to harddisk (for example, kernel, ...), we could see these
differences and then if it's my hardware of the soft.
But the problem is that I don't know what's packages are related to hd.
Do you know?. Can you help me?
> Myles
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