Another extremely urgent nVidia driver testing request

Carl Karsten carl at
Mon Apr 4 08:10:08 CDT 2005

Carl Karsten wrote:
> Frederik Dannemare wrote:
>> On Monday 04 April 2005 14:13, Carl Karsten wrote:
>>> Daniel Stone wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> nVidia have released another version of their driver (1.0.7174) as
>>>> an errata release to 1.0.7167 with very few changes.  We're
>>>> hopefully going to pick this one up for Hoary, but as with 7167, it
>>>> needs a fair bit of testing.  If anyone with an nVidia card could
>>>> please add this to their sources list:
>>>> deb i386/
>>>> for i386 users, or:
>>>> deb amd64/
>>>> for amd64 users, and run a dist-upgrade (or 'Smart Upgrade'),
>>>> reboot,
>>> Added the source, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, 80mb of stuff,
>>> reboot, no nvidia splash screen - do I need something else?
>> Well, first of all, with some option enabled (forget what it's called 
>> - NvLogo?) in /etc/X11/xorg.conf you don't see the logo. Another thing 
>> to check in xorg.xonf is whether it has Driver "nv" or Driver "nvidia" 
>> (latter is the proprietary driver).
> Ok, so I need to fix xorg.conf?
> Section "Device"
>         Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go]"
>         # Driver                "nv"
>         Driver          "nvidia"
>         BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
> EndSection
> Should this have been done for me?  (I don't mind - O don't even really 
> care, just trying to help test.)
>>> Is there a shell command that will report if I am using the binary
>>> drivers?
>> Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> It is there. ;)  What am I looking for?
>> Also, check if the nvidia module is loaded: lsmod|grep nvidia
> root at tsp2b:~ # lsmod|grep nvidia
> (nothing)
>>  (if not, modprobe it and add it to /etc/modules)
> Do I need to do this in addition to the mod to xorg.conf?

Apparently I do, because this is what I got without:

Should I bugzilla the window funny boarder chars?

Carl K

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