Spatial mess prevention

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Apr 2 17:15:17 CST 2005

<quote who="Adam Lydick">

> Fair enough. Maybe a better solution would be to just default to browser
> mode instead of hacking on spatial mode. 


> "Changes that break spatial" have already been made. Hence my comments on
> the resulting quirks.

Sure, but we need to actually fix stuff, not work around broken symptomatic
"fixes". :-)

> If you are interested in improving browse mode, the comments above
> describe the things that irk me. 

Your best bet is to file a bug in GNOME's bugzilla, for consideration in
GNOME 2.12, or post to nautilus-list asking for input.

- Jeff

UbuntuDownUnder: April 25th-30th            
  We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's wetter
                             around the edges.

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