Spatial mess prevention

Adam Lydick lydickaw at
Sat Apr 2 00:18:52 CST 2005

Just to toss in my $0.02:

I still haven't gotten used to spatial mode, so I'm pretty thrilled with
the patch. 

However, it would be nice if folders had an "open in new window" option
on the context menu so that you could easily open an additional folder
when it is useful. 

I was hoping "Open" would be modified to do this, but it is identical to
double-click. (Why have this duplication in the UI? It doesn't seem to
add any usability, since it is hidden away in an even more difficult to
discover right-click context menu.)

Another issue: now that spatial-mode is more browser-like, you end up
with windows that jump around rather strangely. IMHO, this feels buggy,
even if it is intentional. Maybe a better solution would be to keep the
same size and position as the parent window.

You still can't have multiple copies of a folder open. This is also a
feature, but feels weird taken separately from the spatial behavior. 



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