wifi problems

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Mon Sep 20 03:13:07 CDT 2004

On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 02:45:10AM +0200, An-tonio wrote:

> - Language support: I'm from spain and I find some lacks of localize 
> packages, for example myspell-es. I download from debian sid and 
> installed it without problems but it should be in umbutu repository. 
> mozilla-locale-es is anothe example (dependenci problems). I think 
> language support is very importan for a good distribution.

You can read about the "universe" component here:


it contains essentially everything which was in Debian unstable at the time
of our freeze.  You should use those packages rather than mixing packages
from Debian, as this will give more predictable results.

> Another point, I think art work could be improbed with better wallpapers,
> login screen and splash screen. The color theme its a little... well,
> let's say goodable.

The artwork and themes are temporary; they will be replaced before the final
release in October.

 - mdz

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