[doc] I would like to reschedule a doc meeting, instead of doing stuff in today's CC meeting.

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 03:01:11 CDT 2004

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:25:26 +0200, Sivan Green <sivang.ulists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello World(s),
>   I would like to reschedule the meeting that would govern future of
> the documentation team, leader election etc to tommorow.
>   We are going to make some important decisions so firstly I think it
> deserves a seperate meeting, just not to get in crowd and not to be
> stressed by CC meeting's tight schedule that might arise due to Hoary
> kickoff.
>   The other reason, is well, a persoanl one. I am not sure I would be
> able to attend it today (network infrastructure issues) and as I
> intend to be an active participator this would greatly relieve me to
> know it's rescheduled.
> We could reschedule over the mailing list, as this is currently the
> only communication media I can access from here :)
> Let me know what you think,

I agree, the meetings are planned at about the only times i cannot
attend, i would prefer 3 hours earlier or 3 hours later. But whatever
the majority thinks...

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