[doc] Moin Categories

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 05:11:57 CDT 2004

Hi Enrico!

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 22:54:45 +0200, Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've seen the work at the page http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/CategoryDefined .
> Because of my Debtags experience, I'm always interested when I see that
> categories are mentioned, and I appreciate the effort of promoting the
> use of categories for Wiki documentation.

Yes, using Categories will greatly improve maintenance later.

>  From debtags, we've seen that categories work better when they are
> contextualized: it's called faceted categorization and it's a common
> concept in library science.

I looked at debtags it looks good.

> To give an example of faceting the categories, here's what the Doc
> categories laid out in that page would like:
> CategoryNewbie          -> CategoryAudienceNewbie
>                         -> CategoryAudienceAdvBeginner [1]
>                         -> CategoryAudienceCompetent [1]
> CategoryDeveloper       -> CategoryAudienceDeveloper

Looks simpel enough.

> Do you Moin experts think it's feasible with the Moin interface to go
> for categories like these?  If yes, I'd like to take care with the
> transition and categorization, giving the experience I already have; I'd
> need some assistance for the Moin part, though, because I'm still a
> beginner with it.

Im moin, Categories are just anything starting with Category, you can
call them whatever you like. As I am better with moin then with what
you describe I would be more then willing to help if this would help
making the wiki more convenient to use and/or maintain.

We might start with the toplevel groups, we do not have that many
pages yet and from there continue. We are not using Categories to the
full yet in the wiki, but it starts to look good already.

greets, AP

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