[doc] Moin Categories

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Thu Oct 21 15:54:45 CDT 2004

Hello all,

I've seen the work at the page http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/CategoryDefined .

Because of my Debtags experience, I'm always interested when I see that
categories are mentioned, and I appreciate the effort of promoting the
use of categories for Wiki documentation.

 From debtags, we've seen that categories work better when they are
contextualized: it's called faceted categorization and it's a common
concept in library science.

To give an example of faceting the categories, here's what the Doc
categories laid out in that page would like:

CategoryNewbie		-> CategoryAudienceNewbie
			-> CategoryAudienceAdvBeginner [1]
			-> CategoryAudienceCompetent [1]
CategoryDeveloper	-> CategoryAudienceDeveloper

CategoryDesktop		-> CategoryPlatformDesktop
CategoryServer		-> CategoryPlatformServer
			-> CategoryPlatformKiosk

CategoryApplication	-> CategoryTopicApplication
                           (possibly split in TopicGraphics,
			    TopicWriting, TopicPIM...)
CategoryNetworking	-> CategoryTopicNetworking
CategorySecurity	-> CategoryTopicSecurity
CategorySetup		-> CategoryTopicSetup
			-> CategoryTopicCustomization

CategoryTechnical	-> CategoryStyleTechnical
CategoryTask		-> CategoryStyleTutorial

Adding the context, from one side gives a less ambiguous meaning to the
category itself, and also allows to identify the pieces of documentation
by combining different ways of looking at the corpus of knowledge.

For example, if I feel like I'm a newbie, I can head for the "Audience"
facet and go for "newbie", then see what topics are there for me.  Or I
could be interested in the Security topic, and then look for things for
newbies.  The resulting categorization is an inference between the
"measures" (the categories) of the objects taken from different
dimensions (the facets).

You can have a look at debtags-edit to see a working example.

Do you Moin experts think it's feasible with the Moin interface to go
for categories like these?  If yes, I'd like to take care with the
transition and categorization, giving the experience I already have; I'd
need some assistance for the Moin part, though, because I'm still a
beginner with it.



[1] See http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/StagesOfUse
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