Release status

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Oct 19 21:41:25 CDT 2004

Colin has produced a set of install CD images tonight:

7159290f68dff2a93f1a07d2c2b6ce35  warty-install-amd64.iso
a491903a2d2197651864dec3836d85e0  warty-install-i386.iso
6ef6fe1a63831c0c92db9a89869a33ea  warty-install-powerpc.iso

I've successfully tested all three on the usual test systems.  I also
verified the archive-copier change implemented by Colin yesterday; it works
as expected for me.  Looking good.

LaMont produced a live CD image:

c19a82134d0c91f85edf848204b827c5  warty-live-i386-20041020-01.iso

It boots and works, but has the following cosmetic issues:

- The grub progress meter looks strange; it has two vertical bands in it, of
  different sizes

- The GNOME splash screen is the default GNOME 2.8 one, rather than the
  Ubuntu one.  Jeff and I tracked down the problem, and it should have an
  easy fix which only affects the morphix-specific bits, which LaMont can
  incorporate when he returns tonight.

 - mdz

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