Using a g-v-m gthumb-wrapper to include usb-storage based digicams as well

Michael Banck mbanck at
Mon Oct 11 05:25:34 CDT 2004


gnome-volume-manager uses 'gthumb --import-photos' when HAL detects a
digital camera. However, this does not work with usb-storage based
cameras, as gthumb (AFAIK) has no general support for them.

In late August, David Zeuthen has added improved camera support to HAL
and during this posted a small wrapper script to also handle
usb-storage. Warty's project-utopia stack handles this fine, but the
wrapper does not seem to be included. I tested this yesterday by adding
the wrapper script on my parent's box and changing g-v-m's 'import
photos' setting and was successful getting gthumb to automatically open
in the camera's directory for warty.

David's original post is on

but he posted a fixed wrapper script which should be used on

Also see Debian bug #271592, Sjoerd has recently included the wrapper
script in the Debian g-v-m package.

I believe this script would make a worthwhile addition to warty's user
experience, so you might want to consider including it, if it is not too



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