Issues with sound quality

Jan Schmidt thaytan at
Sat Oct 9 04:21:44 CDT 2004

<quote who="ggi at">
> I mentioned this on #ubuntu-devel, but it appeared to go unacknowledged.
> Basically, Rhythmbox introduces nasty (occasional) hissing when playing
> music. Of course, this isn't the fault of Rhythmbox. I remember a
> gstreamer problem I had on Debian a while ago that caused similar, if
> not identical, behaviour. I believe that was fixed though. Listening to
> the esd output test in gstreamer-properties the hissing and such can be
> heard quite clearly.

It sounds like a mixer problem - have you tried turning down the PCM and/or
Master mixer sliders slightly?

Jan Schmidt                                  thaytan at

Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants.
Lovely Pants, wonderful Pa-ants.
Lovely Pants, wonderful Pa-ants.
(Shut up! Bloody Vikings.)

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