Lessons from XP

Alex de Landgraaf alex at delandgraaf.com
Thu Oct 7 05:53:47 CDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 03:19 -0700, Daniel Stone wrote:
> Hopefully.  But my point was mainly that -- while you and I could
> probably hack up a way -- having a GUI for this sort of stuff would be
> really nice; especially if we're going for totally rad laptop support.
> You know, the things that people lug between home and work. :)

Well, GST's network-admin does come a long way imo, just lacks profile
integration with waproamd and VPN/proxy fun. 
A nice, complete (GTK) network configuration tool has been on my
wishlist for some time too. Have been playing around with gst-backend
some time ago, but it's... interesting :)

| Alex de Landgraaf            | The cure for boredom is curiosity |
| Student AI & CS, VU, A'dam   |  There is no cure for curiosity   |
| Phone: 06-16844084           |                                   |
| GPG: http://www.alextreme.org/key_alex.asc    /'-'\              |
| www.alextreme.org & www.morphix.org          ( o o )             |
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