Lessons from XP

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at canonical.com
Thu Oct 7 05:19:37 CDT 2004

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 12:06:50PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 11:19, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > However, there was one thing I did like about their networking: roaming
> > profiles.  I've been messing with the idea for a while, and got a
> > half-arsed Python script together a while ago that I've since lots.
> > Simply put, you tell it where you are, and you can specify everything
> > there: the wireless network to stick to,
> Take a look at waproamd.
> >  IPs,
> Install ifupdown and create profiles in /etc/network/interfaces
> with different addresses.
> >  DNS,
> Install resolvconf and add "dns-nameservers" lines to the profiles in
> /etc/network/interfaces.
> > proxy/VPN settings,
> You can do this with "up" and "down" scripts in /etc/network/interfaces.
> Not very convenient, I admit.

Including Mozilla?

> > everything.
> Some other Debian packages do, as resolvconf does, put scripts in
> /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-down.d/ which make use of
> options set in /etc/network/interfaces.  Hopefully the number of such
> packages will increase in the future.

Hopefully.  But my point was mainly that -- while you and I could
probably hack up a way -- having a GUI for this sort of stuff would be
really nice; especially if we're going for totally rad laptop support.
You know, the things that people lug between home and work. :)

Daniel Stone                                        <daniel.stone at canonical.com>
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