Some critics about Ubuntu

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Mon Nov 29 04:55:42 CST 2004

On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 09:05:44AM +0100, debian_noob at wrote:
> 1) The installation: My first problem arouse at the partitioning. I had
> already some (unused) etx2, ext3 and swap partitions so I went and only choosed
> the mount points for them. But the partitioning app gave me some 
> weird error. So I had to choose to "format" the partitions. This was no
> problem in the kind of "loosing data" but why doesn't the partitioner
> accept some "finished and ready" partitions?

It does, if you tell it to leave the existing data in that partition.
What was the "some weird error"?

Note that you do have to format the / partition, and I think /usr too.

> 4) Network: As I read on the user mailing list a lot of people have
> difficulties with IPv6 loaded on startup. Please make a normal install
> with "disabled IPv6".

If possible, we'd much rather fix the problems than paper over them.

If netcfg (the installer's networking component) ever gets IPv6 support,
life will be a lot easier here.


Colin Watson                                    [cjwatson at]

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