Lid switch freezes laptop (was: Laptop power management support)

Joe Barnett thejoe at
Fri Nov 12 11:56:51 CST 2004


I'm running ubuntu (hoary) on a Dell inspiron 8600.  Through ACPI,
I've set up the LID switch to run a script to echo -n "mem" >
/sys/power/state after unloading some modules (ndiswrapper, uhci_hcd,
and ehci_hcd).  The problem I'm having is that some random percentage
of the time, hitting the lid switch hard freezes the machine, with no
messages to /var/log/acpid or /var/log/syslog (tail -f'ed from an
ssh-connection).  How can I go about trying to figure out what's going
wrong here?

I'm booting the kernel with acpi_irq_isa=7 in order to allow
ndiswrapper to work successfully.  The laptop has an ATI mobility 9600
M10, but I'm just running the "ati" driver, not flgrx (by the way,
what is the difference between the "ati" driver and the "radeon"
driver... they both seem to work, but ati was auto-detected by ubuntu
install)?.  the script to suspend works all the time when i run it
manually, and some of the time when i close the lid, but sometimes the
lid close freezes the machine (I believe) before the acpid daemon
processes the lid event and runs the script.

sorry if this should be sent to the users-list, but with all the
current laptop discussion, ,i thought this list would be appropriate.


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