universe/multiverse repositories

Diego Andrés Asenjo González dasenjo at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 07:36:48 CST 2004


I have tried Ubuntu in my Workstation at the University, and is really
great. Now, I want to try it at home, but .. I only have the hoary CD
and a modem connection :( . I need "special packages" that do not
belong to main, and I can't download them.

I wonder if is it possible to have "CD snapshots" of the
universe/multiverse repositories to make possible the use of Ubuntu at
home with all the specialized packages that someone could need.

I'm now running Debian Sarge in my house with 4 CDs, and I didn't have
to use Internet to install a package.

I'm planning to contribute actively in a few weeks. But first, I have
to install at home.


Long life to Free Software!!!

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