Nautilus slow-down

An-tonio turok at
Sun Nov 14 12:12:00 CST 2004

You must install gamin.

Brent Cook wrote:

>I have actually noticed everything getting slower this week. Does this have 
>something to do with the fam package getting removed automatically during the 
>upgrade? Its like almost everything that uses IO has an added delay now. CPU 
>usage is still relatively low.
>On Sunday 14 November 2004 08:47 am, Milo Casagrande wrote:
>>This is my first message here, if this is the wrong place to post this
>>kind of message tell me !
>>I've upgraded my warthy to hoary and i'm having some nautilus slow-down.
>>When i go through Computer->Home, Nautilus take almost 20 seconds to
>>load, and even when i open a directory it's very slow. With warthy this
>>would happen in 1 second.
>>If i have to send some config file please tell me !

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