Nautilus slow-down

Brent Cook busterbcook at
Sun Nov 14 09:33:51 CST 2004

I have actually noticed everything getting slower this week. Does this have 
something to do with the fam package getting removed automatically during the 
upgrade? Its like almost everything that uses IO has an added delay now. CPU 
usage is still relatively low.

On Sunday 14 November 2004 08:47 am, Milo Casagrande wrote:
> This is my first message here, if this is the wrong place to post this
> kind of message tell me !
> I've upgraded my warthy to hoary and i'm having some nautilus slow-down.
> When i go through Computer->Home, Nautilus take almost 20 seconds to
> load, and even when i open a directory it's very slow. With warthy this
> would happen in 1 second.
> If i have to send some config file please tell me !
> Grazie,
> Milo

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