Separating Mozilla/OO.o language packs [was: Re: Thoughts about separating language packs]

Chris Halls halls at
Thu Nov 11 17:49:11 CST 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 23:14 +0100, Martin Pitt wrote:
> > This sounds like a reasonable idea to me.  We have exactly the same
> > problem concerning OOo and tasksel for Debian proper.  I wonder if we
> > could come up with a package name that could be provided by both tasksel
> > and the ubuntu language packs, maybe language-*?  I'd be happy to add
> > such a Depends into the language packs for OOo.
> I do not really understand what you mean. I do not intend to change
> the package name for the existing l10n debs. I merely want to create
> a set of (so far empty) metapackages (ubuntu-language-XX) which depend
> on a reasonable set of existing language debs. So I do not see what
> you mean by "add such a Depends into the language packs for OOo".

We change each langpack to Depend: | language-XX

Then ubuntu-language-XX can Provide that, and tasksel could install
something similar too.


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