
Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Wed Nov 10 15:18:41 CST 2004

Am Mittwoch, den 10.11.2004, 20:42 +0000 schrieb Scott James Remnant:
> What anacron does over cron is remember when these jobs have been
> missed, and "catches up" when the machine is able to do them.
yep, thats a small prob with anacron.....
ever had to do a important task and your laptop started running all the
anacron jobs directly after boot ? 

i had this case very often on my sid systems, lets see that ubuntu
solves this better than running updatedb on monday mornings if you have
a presentation at 8am with the laptop you didnt use on the weekend....
(my old sony laptop gets nearly unusable if all the cron tasks run)
probably running with a nice value should be proposed....

...otherwise, thumbs up


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