Jave (Re: Since ubuntu is pushing python, a good python IDE should be available)

Colin Watson cjwatson at canonical.com
Tue Nov 9 10:03:28 CST 2004

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 03:09:32PM +0100, Eric Feliksik wrote:
> That'd create a situation where Universe is a repository of
> 1)	free software packages, that are unsupported.
> 2)	proprietary packages (that are, of course, unsupported as well).
> (which is already the case as binary drivers are in Universe).
> Then I'd like to raise the question:
> 	* Wouldn't it be good to have those seperated? *
> 	(like debian main versus non-free)

That's what multiverse is for.


Colin Watson                                    [cjwatson at canonical.com]

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